• Establish an inventory, analyze and synthesize, through a mutual transfer, experiences and methodologies ECVET from partner countries
• Develop a common synthesis methodology based on the analysis
• Test the synthesis methodology and its transferability through theoretical case studies in different contexts and for different types of LLL courses. This involves the development and determination of key skills, Units of learning, correspondence tables, test evaluation, the allocation of ECVET points, ...
• From the results, update the summary common methodologies
• Prepare travel actions for the purpose of disseminating this methodology with experts of the implementation of ECVET and institutional reforms and preparing field workers
• Support any national trials that will reveal the fruits of the project (SFMQ, CPU, FINECVET)
• Analysis and synthesis of mutual transfers of experiences and methodologies ECVET
• Synthesis and tools developed as part of the experiments
• A methodological guide aimed at experts
• Dissemination documents for experts and field workers