
RACE- Raising Awareness of Job Competencies needed in Europe

An increasing global and mobile labour market has motivated the VET educators, EQF level 3-4, participating in this project to seek out partnerships that can contribute to the understanding of international competences when preparing students for entering and integrating in a growing multi-cultural and complex society and job market. For educators it is important to offer flexible learning paths and to adapt them to a rapidly developing society and global job market.

The main aim of the project is to strengthen the students' awareness of international competences needed on the European labour market. Students are often required to acquire international competences such as foreign languages, social and civic competences and cultural awareness as a complement to their vocational skills in order to improve their employability. The aim is also to activate the students, make them identify their personal competences as well as realizing the competences required by the labour market.

The objective of the project is to produce a Job seeking guide that can support the students when preparing and applying for jobs. The students will take an active part in the project activities and together with their teachers develop and test the material.

The final exercise of the students will be a job seeking case were they choose an industry or company of own interest. They research the case and then following the advises in the Job seeking guide write an application for a job.

International Co-ordinator Susanna Vestling +358 500 44 05 86
The project partnership consists of Gottlieb-Daimler-Schule 1 (Germany), Jedlik Ányos Gépipari és Informatikai Középiskola és Kollégium (Hungary), Polo Scolastico 3 (Italy) and Strömbackaskolan (Sweden).
Centret för internationell mobilitet och internationellt samarbete Cimo har beviljat stöd från Europeiska Unionens LLP/Comenius program
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Yrkesakademin i Österbotten | 2019